If the printer supports both postscript and pcl, install both drivers, and if printing to one fails, try printing to the other. The corruption can be subtle a particular letter at a particular size. If you want to edit these files, there are some options. Make sure you have adequate lighting so the camera can pick up the QR code. Notes - The notes feature displays notes and comments on the side of the document. Works well with large and multiple monitors.
Multi-page display - Writer can also display multiple pages while you edit - ideal for complex documents.Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world. Scroll down on the Search Settings page until you see the 'Where results open' header and then click the box for 'Open each selected result in a new browser window.' (Never mind that it says new.
This will erase your content, so you may prefer to choose Restore Backup on the Summary.